In a nutshell
This part time (0.25FTE), AHRC-funded post is available immediately for 6 months to support the work of Dr Ana Martins on the project Women of the Brown Atlantic: Real and Imaginary Passages in Portuguese 1711-2011. The successful applicant will be at an Early Career stage (i.e., within 10 years of the award of their PhD) and will be based in Brazil (either permanently or temporarily). They will have a PhD (or be near completion) in an area relevant to the project, namely in Afro-Brazilian literature, culture and history, skills in archival and digital research, experience of communicating ideas to various audiences, and – ideally – excellent knowledge of black feminist theory, queer theory, as well as Lusophone African literature and film.
Please follow this link for the job advert.
Selection process
Applications will be reviewed by a committee consisting of the Principal Investigator (Dr Ana Martins), and a reviewer in the Arts and Humanities. Applications will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
- Qualifications and experience of the applicant;
- Relationship of the candidate’s qualifications and experience with the themes of the project;
How to apply
To apply, please follow the link at the bottom of the job advert (here) and complete the application in English. The application will ask for:
- personal details
- employment history
- references (3)
- covering letter and CV
Dr Ana Martins will be happy to discuss the role with potential candidates by email at: a.m.d.martins@exeter.ac.uk